Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Upcoming Events

Michigan Gamma Pi Phi has a full calendar coming up!  Check out the "Upcoming Events" section on the right hand side of the blog for a list of dates and events.

While we're on the topic...

Tonight is Big Sis Reveal!

Stay tuned for pictures from it and more on the ladies.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

34 New Members!

New Members on Bid Day

After a successful Fall Recruitment and COB MI Gamma is happy to welcome  
34 new members (3 of which are legacies)!

 Anne Abendroth
Jillian Beltowski
Elizabeth Corey
Charlene DeCrease
Kenzie (Mackenzie) Edidin
Chelsea Edwards
Shannon Gianino
Julia Gorman
Rebecca Hutchins
Deserae Kaufman
Catherine Kirchner
Lydia Kwon
Margaret Langdon
Leah Longuski
Monica Love
Ashley Mlynarek
Kate (Katlyn) Mulville
Kristine Nguyen
Brittany O'Leary
Kristina Parise
Hailey Paz
Anna Plumley
Cara Proudfoot
Gabrielle Rizzo
Alexandra Roach
Samantha Sant
Olivia Schoen
Samantha Tauscher
Casey Thal
Ashlee Thornton
Jennifer Tubergen
Morgan Tuthill
Ciara VanDeVelde
Cassandra Zuehlke

Congratulations to the actives on a fabulous recruitment and welcome new members to 
Pi Beta Phi!

Monday, October 3, 2011

2011 Homecoming...You're Invited!

Attention MI Gamma Alumnae! You're invited!

Homecoming is Saturday, October 22nd from 2-4pm
Pi Beta Phi
343 North Harrison
East Lansing, MI 48823

Join your Michigan Gamma sisters for light appitizers before watching the Spartans take on the Wisconsin Badgers at 8pm!

Please RSVP to:
Sarah Grosh
(734) 476-7593